On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 21:23:18 -0400, "Zoe"
Post by ZoePost by skunk with a knifeOn Wed, 28 Jul 2004 21:39:53 -0400, "Zoe"
Post by ZoePost by skunk with a knifedry eye caramel, fiend,
whisper love smooth
lines; velvet wires
bumping against hips
trenches dug down
back and cheeks.
you're too good for 5am.
Are you trying to make me go on another William Carlos Williams rant?
Post by skunk with a knifePost by Zoecould if you wanted me to you know.
feel free - it's a free forum for freeverse aswell as
just don't make me need jaffas.
too late.
At the risk of sounding stupid. Ahh, fuck, everyone already knows I'm
stupid.. What the hell is a "jaffa"?
jaffas are choc-blls coated in yummy crispy orange shells.
they're multi-purpose. mostly you eat them - other times, in
cinemas, you throw them at people sitting a few rows in
front of you when the movie is boring.